Dieu est descendu...

Peter LEVI
Les Eglises orientales - n°104 Novembre - Décembre 1992 - Page n° 126

Dans un recueil austère de poèmes, Shadow and Bone, jaillit ce chant lumineux de l'incarnation du Christ, kénose de Dieu.Au soir de son âge, le coeur dénudé du poète exulte, comme celui des bergers autrefois.

God has gone down and heaven is empty,
he has lost his angelic choruses
and they are swarming in a fog of stars:
heaven is dripping a rainfall of fire,
his fire is blazing in the thorny trees
of wilderness and the forest waste:
fire in the thorn and the thorn does not burn.
God has gone down into the fire of God
that flowers in the branches of the thorn,
and the tree burns but will not be consumed.
The Spirit chanting in the water-spring
and at daybreak whose light is virginal
lays down God in the fire in the thorn tree,
and the child Jesus trailing swarms of stars
in the dark branches of his mother's arms
and in the ruined cloister of her mind,
whose silence is broken as heaven is
by muttered conversations of music.

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